What Art Can Do for Us
Many of us see art as optional in our lives.
Many of us had this drilled into us at an early age.
Be practical.
Let go of dreaming.
We can’t make money pursuing dreams.
But the truth is, art is indispensable.
Art gives us meaning.
There are things that cannot be understood with pure reason—
like love & beauty.
Art helps us understand and transcend our world.
Art has the power to point us to the divine,
to the ultimate Artist.
At the most basic level art can stir us to gratitude. Awaken the creative impulse within us.
And here’s the good news:
We don’t have to attend exclusive high priced concerts and travel abroad to get more art in our lives. Some of the most rewarding artistic moments can be found in your own backyard.
Supporting local artists and music is essential to keeping it alive in our communities.
I love creating events like this and YOU are an essential part of the equation.
The world of independent art and music needs you.
Independent art survives on local patrons of the arts.
Saturday, May 18th, 7:30pm
An evening of inspiration and musical art
Me & Baraka Moon Live!
Global Truth Center
Westlake Village, CA
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Wonderful nearby restaurants
Ample, easy parking
Vendors including hand-crafted jewelry & Ayurvedic wellness potions
With love, Kim

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